Starting Your Sustainability Trifecta…


We congratulate you on your first step in learning more on how sustainability can help improve the campus of your non-profit or place of worship.  Sustainable Tucson’s Charitable and Faith-based Sustainability (CFS) Committee is driven by a group of committed volunteers.  We are here to help you perfect your sustainability trifecta by building on these three components: 

  • Education for your non-profit or place of worship: Learn about sustainability applications that will help save money for your organization
  • Promote beautification of your campus, in harmony with our natural desert environment, through assistance with local resources for your chosen projects
  • Building an equitable community through sustainable practices that thrive long into the future

STEP 1: Allow for Sustainable Tucson to provide your organization a free educational presentation about sustainability and how it can be used in creating a space for rainwater and stormwater harvesting, green infrastructure, native shade trees, zero waste, and renewable energy on your organization’s campus.  The presentation can be done in person, over the phone, or through a video communication platform like Google Meet or Zoom.  Schedule your presentation by emailing:

Meet with Ambassadors and members of our committee so we can answer any of your questions about sustainability and elements of sustainable design

STEP 2: Maximize your savings through conservation measures by having an audit/assessment.  We will schedule your campus to have a free water savings audit through Tucson Water’s Zanjero program. You can opt-in for an energy assessment with Robert Bulechek from Energy Management. You can also inquire about our Zero-Waste assessment.

Tes Menase of Kidane Mehret Eritrean Tewahedo Orthodox Church meets with Angel from Tucson Water’s Zanjero program.

Tucson Water Zanjero team

Tucson Water’s Zanjero Program

Robert Bulechek, Energy Management

STEP 3: At this point, the sky is the limit!

  • Take your environmental/sustainability education to a higher level:
    • Become a Sustainable Tucson Ambassador
    • Enroll your place of worship or non-profit in Local First Arizona’s ScaleUp program and benchmark the progress behind some of the changes your campus has made (i.e. see how changing out your light bulbs to LED made an impact on your utility savings)
    • Support other non-profits and places of worship with your sustainability knowledge
  • Create a sustainable design:
    • Ready to beautify your campus? We have local experts, highly regarded in their knowledge and field to help you with a design to make your campus beautiful and to lend a hand in making our local environment flourish.
  • Make your design vision a reality:
    • We have teamed up with some amazing community resources when it comes to funding

So what are you waiting for? Join many other religious organizations and businesses across the nation who are pledging to make their neighborhoods sustainable and beautiful! You can do so with the help of these local Tucson groups:

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